Be A Superstar

Statistics show that people would rather use a service that’s in their neighborhood than travel for hours to attend a class. So, just imagine, your potential client base may be walking around in your neighborhood now but they probably don’t realize that your dance school has the classes that they want to sign up for. The truth is that once a client has signed up with another dance school elsewhere, there’s a fair possibility that he or she will not sign up for your classes.

Our team at the Dance School Marketing Agency care about you losing even one client and that’s why we’re here to help you build a strong local base as quickly as possible.

Being Found Locally = More Clients

Get more students into your dance school today


Don’t underestimate the power of directories on the Internet because they can really boost business by a big margin. Most people trust recommendations that are found locally online.


Your dance school website is the ticket to getting more clients so when your dance school is listed in a directory, we ensure that your website URL is also embedded.


Positive testimonials, feedback, and comments go a very long way in strengthening the credibility of your brand.


We make sure that the location of your dance school gets the importance and focus it deserves so that clients know that your dance school is not far from them.


Local listings are another good way to let genuinely interested people find your dance school easily.


You get to decide whether your dance school should show up on listings all throughout the year, during a lean season or for a few months at a time.